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Currencies and money - Croatia


The official currency used at the moment in Croatia is the kuna (also written as HRK). It is broken into 100 lipa meaning "linden" and also kuna means "marten". Contrary to this popular belief, the kune does not hold any relation to the currencies entitled "koruna". You should know that it is based on the use of marten pelts as valuable units in medieval trading.

First implemented in June 1994, the kuna was there as soon as Croatia gained it's independence. And even though there was a lot of controversy regarding the currency name choice, before it the Fascist puppet Independent State of Croatia had been using the same name during World War II. The name stuck and remains in use today as soon as legitimate roots of the name choice were given - historical use of marten pelts. Today, the kuna is regulated by the Croatian National Bank, and is also minted by the croatian Monetary Institute.

Also even though there are over 50 banks operating on Croatian soil, you should know that more than 70 percent of all of the assets of the banking system actually belong to the six largest ones. Just about every single one of these, as well as some medium-sized banking institutions are indirectly owned by the government. The government also holds large proportions of shares in these operations thanks to government controlled companies. You should find several representative offices of foreign banks operating in Croatia too.

Exchange offices 
There are many exchange offices and banks, so exchanging the money shouldn't be a problem. Unless you wish to do it outside their working hours. They usually work from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. but shorter working hours are something you should take into account.


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